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Beverly Deacon

时间:2018-11-09 来源:泉州聚龙外国语学校

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Beverly Deacon

        Dr. Beverly Deacon completed her Bachelor of Science in Biology with a double minor in Chemistry and French. She proceeded to the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio,  to receive her Doctor of Dental Surgery. Selected for the General Practice Residency at the Children’s Hospital of Oklahoma, she then settled in the Dallas area. After many happy years of private practice,  neck and back problems necessitated an early retirement. She chose to give back to the community by teaching, and completed her Certificate of English Language Teaching for Adults (CELTA) at the University of Texas in Austin. With experience in training children and adults, beginners to upper intermediate, Beverly brings a love of learning and a joie de vivre to Julong. She sees each of the students as a unique, delightful individual and strives to support their continued emotional and educational development through creating a nurturing, celebratory environment.

        Beverly Deacon博士是一位学识渊博女士,在获得生物学理学学士学位并辅修化学及法语后,她考入位于圣安东尼奥的德克萨斯健康科学中心大学攻读口腔外科博士学位。随后被选入奥克拉荷马州立儿童医院实习,毕业后在达拉斯工作。在做了多年的私人牙科医生后,由于颈椎问题她不得不提前离开其热爱的牙科医生工作岗位。随后她决定通过教书来回报社会,于是在德州大学奥斯汀校区修得了CELTA剑桥成人英语教学证书。Beverly在英语教学方面有着丰富的经验,她教过小孩,也教过成人,教过初学者,也教过中高等水平的学生。她坚信凭着这些珍贵的教学经验,她能为聚龙的学生创造一个有爱的,轻松愉悦的学生氛围。在她看来每个学生都是一个独特的个体,都有其令人赞赏的地方。她希望通过营造一个有爱的,愉悦的学习氛围来帮助学生更好地成长。

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